Really good fuck for free sites like are all over the place. In fact there’s so many of them. It’s as if somebody threw seeds around and all these fuck for free websites just sprouted all over the place. They’re like digital weeds all over the internet. I guess an uncharitable way to describe it would be that they are like the website version of herpes. They pop up unexpectedly and they almost never seem to disappear. You’re stuck with them for life.
I know that’s quite unpleasant but that’s the absolute truth. Fuck for free websites are all over the place and it’s too easy to spend a tremendous amount of time, effort and energy on these websites only to leave them the exact same way you came in. If you’re still unclear about this, you came in with your dick in your hand and you’re going to leave with your dick in your hand. In other words, you did not achieve any form of success.
I know it’s fucked up, I know it’s discouraging, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re truly serious about becoming successful on fuck for free websites or any other kind of online anonymous sex dating platform, listen up. There are two ways to succeed. You can be proactive and you can be reactive. Well, this blog post is all about a reactive recipe for success. In other words, you just need to avoid these 3 assholes and you would be able to increase your likelihood of success. These 3 female asshole types should be avoided at all costs.
The Smart Ass
This is a chick who gets off on putting you down. She gets off on making men look like fools. She insults them, she throws all sorts of abuse at them, and nothing gets her pussy wet more than seeing these guys come begging for more. Don’t entertain this sadistic piece of shit. If you detect some sort of abusive behaviour, block her and move the fuck on.
The Gold Digger
This chick never runs out of excuses to ask for money. She’s always asking for money. It’s as if she’s the brokest motherfucker on the face of the earth. The saddest thing about all of this is that guys fall for this all the time. How come? Most of the gold diggers, at least the successful ones, look really good.
They look like your typical college student in the United States, big tits, beautiful blonde hair, deep, blue eyes. I mean, the right package, right? Unfortunately they want your package as well and no, I’m not talking about the package in your pants. I’m talking about your bank account. So don’t let gold diggers fuck you up. The moment they start asking you for money, get the fuck away from them.
Ms Right
Ms Right thinks that she’s always right. She doesn’t give a fuck about humility. She doesn’t give a fuck about sharing information. She doesn’t even give a fuck about other people. She likes being right all the time. She bashes people over the head with her revelations and realizations and her logic. She is basking in the non-existent rays of her personal intelligence and excellence. This woman is a bore and is a waste of time. Get the fuck away from her.